CrystalMaker Guide: Model Types
CrystalMaker provides a number of pre-set model types for every structure. You can instantly switch between: ball & stick, spacefilling, wireframe, stick or polyhedral representations, using the Model menu.
Changing the Model Type
You can change the way models look on-screen by editing the appearance of atoms and bonds using the Model Options dialog (Model > Model Options...).
CrystalMaker also allows you great flexibility in the plotting of polyhedra, and you can assign different polyhedral styles to different sites. Polyhedra can have vertex atoms, can be plotted as solid, shaded, or hollow shapes, or you can even mix "ball-and-stick" representations with polyhedral representations - all using the Polyhedra options page of the Model Options dialog.
For each model type, you also have the option of superimposing a "surface". This can be plotted as a mesh, as a density-fill "cloud", or in the form of translucent spheres. You can customize the surface type, its colour(s) and the effective atomic radii used to calculate the surface, using the Surface Options page of the Model Options dialog.
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